After some soul searching, I've come to the conclusion that there are generally 4 types of people in existence, and I shall explain what are the 4 types.

Type 1: People who you would wish to meet and you have already met.

    Type 1 is the default type of people that we would wanna meet. They are those people that bring joy, laughter and love to our lives. They are the people that we would have taken granted often until we have lost them. They are those that we want to protect and be protected by, they are those that we can pour our hearts out at and those that we are most willing to listen to even their most trivial everyday life stories. We may not bear any common characteristics or even interest with them but we would not have been who we are without them.

Type 2: People who you wouldn't wish to meet and you have already met (unfortunately).

    Type 2 defines generally those people whome you will encounter throughout your life. They are those that sniggers at your downfall, they pray for your misfortune. They are those that appear kind and friendly to you but badmouths and stabs you at the back when you turn around. They gossip about you, acts generous but are actually extremely petty. They don't make you pay back what they think you own then directly but schemes a long term plan to isolate and make you feel miserable, while still appearing to be friendly and innocent. Those are the people wearing masks and those that you'll need to be wary of. They, however handles confrontation very well when you cannot stand it anymore and make themselves seemed like the victims while pushing all the sin to you. They are those that will destroy your character, honor and public imperssion eventually.

Type 3: People who you would wish to meet and you have yet to meet.

    Type 3 are those people that you dreamed about, they are those perfect friends, best lovers and those that you are willing to wait for. You have not met any of them before but you know they exists, they are the hidden Type 1s. The world is so huge that we cannot possibly meet everyone in it, those are the people that you yearn to meet. You imagined their looks, you pondered their characters. You even perceived their weakness and imperfections. Sad part is that you'll never be able to meet them, Happy part is that the reason for you not be able to meet them ever is that once you've met them they become Type 1.

Type 4: People who you wouldn't wish to meet and you have yet to meet (fortunately).

    Type 4s are those that you heard your friends talk about, you hear about them in common talk. You seen those friends that have been victimized by them. You would never have wanted to meet them yet you wonder when you'll have to face them. They are the hidden Type 2s. They are sometimes unavoidable, but once you've met them they becomes Type 2.

How many of these 4 types have you met? Generally we would not be able to expect to meet more Type 1s than Type 2s, since the world is very realistic and competitive. However, do treasure all those Type 1s around you and keep those Type 2s out of reach to hurt you.

"You cannot choose who you want to meet, but you can choose what you want to show others when you  meet"