Life is full of uncertainties, questions and puzzles. It may be due to those uncertainties that life is interesting, yet stressful. People are curious about unfamiliar things around them, they tried to understand them, percieve them and perhaps one day, conquer them.
The world that we live in is full of those unfamiliar things, mankind create more of those things as we strives to advance in our world, our technology and our lives. People create new theories, inventions and perhaps even religious viewpoints, its made the society we lived in so confusing at times, yet amazing at other.
To understand this "world" that we lived in, we must first understand ourselves, the mankind. What is it that we want? We seemed to be in forever pursude of something that we are unsure of, is it money, fame, power or just another reason to live on? We are now living for the sake of living but what's the real reason for our eternal battle for survival?
My guess is to wait, we live on so as to wait, don't you think so. We are always waiting, but yet we do not know what we really are waiting for. Perhaps for the day when the rest of the human brain can be fully utilised, for now we only used a small portion of it. Perhaps the creator has intention for human to wait for the day that all answers will be revealed, the point of time where there are no more questions left to ask.
So as for now, all we can do is to get on with our lives, while we wait in silence and unknowingly slowly revealing the "Truth". Let us wait, let us wait...
"If there's no answer to a question, then it is not even a question."
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