Nice day to have, light rain with cool winds, makes people feel like singing.

Haha.. Then again, we wonder, what drives the world? What drives people? What is the thing that makes the world spin?

I believed that the answer is "Desire". Desire is a very powerful force. It changes everything, why do I say that?
Lets start from the beginning, when people are still using bear skin to make clothes, stones to make weapons, what makes them progress to today's condition? Desire, the Desire for comfort, the desire for power and the desire to improve and out do oneself.

Wars are started becouse of the desire for power and prosperity(for small countries) and peace fighters are formed due to the desire for, well, peace of course. One is willing to scarifice to such extend and even beyond that, for a believe so strong that he is willing to trade his life for it (christians should know what i'm saying).
Desire drives people and it brings people down, as seen in the rise and fall of empires.

The desire for knowledge is all powerful. Edison's desire for knowledge and "light" kept his persistance for success even though he failed 999 times, or shall I put it in this way: "I did not fail 999 times, I've just only discoverd 999 ways that it won't work" - Edison on succeeding on his 1000th try. The wright brothers were called lunatics, crazy and absurd and even put away for trying to "fly", "It's not possible for humans to fly" was what the world says but then again the world was proven wrong by the "wright" brothers, through faith and the never dying desire to fly (refer to my "what's right and wrong" from past posts for more contrasts).

The desire for love, emotion and happiness. I've read articles of mothers doing feats of incredible strength in order to save her baby and cases of extreme willpower to overcome illness and death just so as to be able to be with their loved ones again. Can the human body be controlled through desire to produce superhuman results? Can the mind really do that? If it could, one of the best ways is through desire. Have you ever wanted something so badly that you do things that surpass your limit (e.g. olympics where athletes wanted to win so badly that they performed feats of human impossibility). If you looked close enough, the word "Impossible" could be broken down to "I M Possible" through will and desire.

Have you ever heard of this saying "A man without goal is a man without soul"? What the goals represent is simply an image of the man's desire (to succeed, money, fame, happy life), and without it the man would not have progressed so far. Think about it, if man never wanted to have better food, would they have tried so hard to preserve fire, and if man never wanted knowledge, would we have evolved to become the world's most intelligent lifeform? Look at the birds, they have no desire other than to follow their "pre-programmed algorithms", known as instincts. They look for food, hide from predators and reproduce, but never wished that they can build a birdhouse instead of a nest. Or then again, perhaps the signs of migration and adaptation to the concrete forest are forming desires or is it just simply instincts?

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary."
Impossible is nothing.