Har... rest and relax...actually is nua lah...haha
After 2 poems, are you ready for more "theory"? ^_^, actually i dun care, here goes:
The art of deception: by myself...not totally accurate but it'll get u through.
How to tell when someone is telling the truth and lie.
1) Flushed look
2) Lack of confidence in speech/ self contradicting at times
3) Timid, soft spoken cos they know its not the truth and they cannot summon the courage to say it boldly
4) Look at his eyes, shifty eyes and not daring to look at you directly is a sign of evading
5) Look out for repetative, small movements, e.g. crossing legs, shifting legs, playing with fingers etc.
6) Liers have fast heartbeats, sometime breathless and blurring of speech
7) Excessive sweating
*skip the truth part, its just opposite of the "lie" portion.
How to lie cleverly:
1) Look into target's eyes, give a firm look.
2) Speak with slightly higher volume, using a strong/ "as a matter of fact" tone
3) DO NOT make small movements, cross your arms if necessary
4) Speak harshly if needed, do not abuse it or it'll be suspicious
5) Do not mumble, startle or stutter.
6) You cannot/hard to control your heartbeat so always stay calm, think of blue things like the sea (it helps really)
7) Say things that are true to both parties to initiate trust and confidence, e.g. "I believed you also know that...so that's why I...can't you see my point?"
8) NEVER, I say again, NEVER give in, cos "the truth is never wrong" and you must obey this rule, it's the most important, how you suppose to convince someone if you cannot convince yourself and admit to all the "crimes".
That's all for the time being, for "higher" level of deception, email me or something.
"Believe and you will succeed, disbelieve and you will fall"